Outreach projects
Active Projects
Country |
Partner |
Project Name |
Description |
Honduras |
Zamorano Greenhouse Horticulture Program for Latin America |
Installation on the Zamorano campus of specialized permanent greenhouses for applied research and education/training in horticultural production, enabling the establishment of the Greenhouse Horticulture Program for Latin America that will increase incomes and employment opportunities for smallholder greenhouse horticulture producers, including women and youth, compensating for the income and employment losses that the COVID-19 pandemic could cause. |
El Salvador |
Strengthen school feeding in comprehensive development centers |
To have a strategic alliance that facilitates technical, administrative, and logistical support for the operation of the components, through the development of participatory and comprehensive actions that guarantee better food and nutrition for the children of the Integral Development Centers-CDI and the students of Educational Centers of the School Feeding and Health Program. |
El Salvador |
Strengthening the capacities of the educational community in food and nutrition education, food handling, administrative processes and promotion of healthy lifestyles |
Strengthen the capacities and knowledge of the educational community, actions in food and nutrition education and promotion of school health as a permanent integrating axis of the educational curriculum that contributes to the development of competencies and promotes healthy lifestyles |
Honduras |
Strengthening the Zamorano University Food Science and Technology Learning by Doing Program |
ASHA resources will fund the renovation (building materials, contractor costs, etc.) and the acquisition of specialized equipment to modernize and increase the efficiency of the post-harvest processing plants for dairy, honey/derivatives and horticulture on campus and the corresponding Learn-By Doing academic modules. |
Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador |
SSG Advisor, LLC/USAID |
Women's Network for the Agri-Food Sector (RMA) |
Targeting the agri-food sector in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, with the potential to create opportunities and influence employment conditions for other women, including those belonging to vulnerable groups |
Honduras, Guatemala |
Building Climate Resilience |
Foster competitive, resilient, and inclusive market systems that provide greater economic opportunities (jobs and incomes) for low-income and marginalized Hondurans |
Honduras |
European Union |
Río Plátano Biosphere Project |
Contribute to the reduction of deforestation, the protection of biodiversity and the improvement of the food security situation of local populations in the Río Platano Biosphere Reserve. |
Honduras |
Walmart |
Training in Bioinputs |
Conduct training in Bio inputs as an alternative for sustainable agriculture aimed at WALMART vegetable and fruit supplier producers. |
Honduras |
Strengthening and Updating the Technical-Scientific Capacities of the Zamorano Soil Laboratory |
Strengthen and increase the capacity and accessibility of the diagnostic services of the Zamorano Soil Laboratory and recommendations to producers and companies in the agribusiness sector in Honduras |
Honduras |
Receive as a donation three licenses for the monitoring and prediction of agricultural variables, which will be used in the educational processes of CPA students |
Provide free licenses to ZAMORANO for the tools mentioned in Table 1; Provide support for the digitalization and conduct of training sessions for students and teachers in the use of Layers. |
Honduras |
University of California at Davis |
Research-Focused Fellowship Program for Zamorano Guatemalan undergraduate students and universities who members of UC funded Feed the Future countries Davis - Hort Innovation Lab - USAID - Programa Zamorano |
Establish and execute a research scholarship program on topics related to the fruit and vegetable chain with undergraduate students from Zamorano and universities in Guatemala. |
Honduras |
Kolping Work |
Strengthen and provide technical assistance for the establishment of dual-purpose plantain, bean and chicken production to improve the nutritional food security of OBRA KOLPING producer families in Honduras and establish the model farm for the training and training of producer families |
Strengthen and provide technical assistance for the establishment of dual-purpose banana, bean and chicken production to improve the FSN of OBRA KOLPING producing families in Honduras |
Honduras |
Foundation for Participatory Research with Farmers of Honduras (Fipah) |
Humanitarian Assistance for Food Security in Honduras |
Humanitarian Assistance for Food Security in Honduras |
Honduras |
BROTEK S.A. de C.V. |
Develop the biological evaluation of two bio stimulant/biocatalyst molecules I-369® and I-358® |
Develop the biological evaluation of two bio stimulant/biocatalyst molecules I-369® and I-358® |
Honduras |
National Diakonia of Honduras |
Technical assistance for the production of vegetables and seedlings under a protected greenhouse-type structure to Empresa Hortícola el Coyolar Tilapa Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada, Departamento de Olancho |
Strengthen knowledge for agronomic technical management, management and use of technologies for production, integrated pest management, integrated crop management, marketing techniques, commercialization and post-harvest management to obtain quality and safe products for the end consumer |
Honduras |
Renewal of the world |
Prepare technical material for agricultural promoters served by World Renew based on the proposal presented by ZAMORANO, which is an integral part of this letter of understanding. |
Prepare technical material for agricultural promoters served by World Renew based on the proposal presented by ZAMORANO, which is an integral part of this letter of understanding. |
Bolivia |
Develop a comprehensive curriculum through video capsules to develop administrative skills and soft skills for the operation of businesses in the various sectors of agriculture |
Develop a comprehensive curriculum through video capsules to develop administrative skills and soft skills for the operation of businesses in the various sectors of agriculture |
Guatemala |
British Embassy in Guatemala |
Managing Late Blight in Potato |
Organization of two workshops in Guatemala on the management of late blight in potatoes |
Mesoamerican Reef (MAR Region) |
Smithsonian |
Execute disease surveillance project for the National Zoo's Center for Conservation Ecology and the Smithsonian's Conservation Biology Institute |
Pennsylvania State University |
Pennsylvania State University |
(a) Collaboration in the design and translation of a semi-structured questionnaire on gender-based violence. (b) To train four research assistants in the correct application of the research instrument. (c) Conducting the collection of 50 semi-structured interviews with women in western Honduras. It should be noted that all interviews will be digitally recorded with the consent of the participant. d) Transcribe the 50 interviews into Spanish. e) Collaborate in the data analysis process and contribute to the drafting of the final report. |
Honduras |
International Business Initiatives (IBI)/USAID |
MERGE 2.0 |
This award will provide USAID/Honduras with flexible, demand-driven services. This includes assisting in: i) plan, design, conduct, disseminate, learn, and support adaptive management of rigorous monitoring and evaluation of USAID/Honduras development projects and activities (ii) facilitate and promote Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation (CLA) practices with implementing partners, local organizations, selected private sector partners and local academia; and (iii) support the development of monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) capacity of USAID/Honduras internal and external stakeholders, including implementation of activities and follow-up with third parties. |
Honduras |
ACDI VOCA/Transforming Market System Activity (USAID) |
Transforming Market Systems |
Honduras |
Generating Sustainable Economic Opportunities in the Lake Yojoa Basin |
Strengthen the understanding of ecosystem dynamics and the importance of proper solid waste management among the population of Lake Yojoa |
Unemployment benefit |
'Implementation of a participatory model of water management for sustainable development |
Develop a participatory process for the management of natural resources, especially water and biodiversity, in the Uchapa River micro-basin (Sabanetas, Uchapa and Pimienta streams) |
Apoyo al Plan Operativo Bianual del Área Protegida Reserva Biológica—El Uyuca” |
Implement the biannual operational plan of the El Uyuca Reserve |
Honduras |
Researching Food Systems (ISA) |
Country: Honduras
Description: Installation on the Zamorano campus of specialized permanent greenhouses for applied research and education/training in horticultural production, enabling the establishment of the Greenhouse Horticulture Program for Latin America that will increase incomes and employment opportunities for smallholder greenhouse horticulture producers, including women and youth, compensating for the income and employment losses that the COVID-19 pandemic could cause.
Country: El Salvador
Partner: MINED
Description: To have a strategic alliance that facilitates technical, administrative, and logistical support for the operation of the components, through the development of participatory and comprehensive actions that guarantee better food and nutrition for the children of the Integral Development Centers-CDI and the students of Educational Centers of the School Feeding and Health Program.
Country: El Salvador
Partner: MINED
Description: Strengthen the capacities and knowledge of the educational community, actions in food and nutrition education and promotion of school health as a permanent integrating axis of the educational curriculum that contributes to the development of competencies and promotes healthy lifestyles
Country: Honduras
Description: ASHA resources will fund the renovation (building materials, contractor costs, etc.) and the acquisition of specialized equipment to modernize and increase the efficiency of the post-harvest processing plants for dairy, honey/derivatives and horticulture on campus and the corresponding Learn-By Doing academic modules.
Countries: Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador
Partner: SSG Advisor, LLC/USAID
Description: Targeting the agri-food sector in Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, with the potential to create opportunities and influence employment conditions for other women, including those belonging to vulnerable groups
Countries: Honduras, Guatemala
Partner: USAID /DAI
Description: Foster competitive, resilient, and inclusive market systems that provide greater economic opportunities (jobs and incomes) for low-income and marginalized Hondurans
Country: Honduras
Partner: European Union
Description: Contribute to the reduction of deforestation, the protection of biodiversity and the improvement of the food security situation of local populations in the Río Platano Biosphere Reserve.
Country: Honduras
Partner: Walmart
Description: Conduct training in Bio inputs as an alternative for sustainable agriculture aimed at WALMART vegetable and fruit supplier producers.
Country: Honduras
Description: Strengthen and increase the capacity and accessibility of the diagnostic services of the Zamorano Soil Laboratory and recommendations to producers and companies in the agribusiness sector in Honduras
Country: Honduras
Socio: HEMAV
Description: Provide free licenses to ZAMORANO for the tools mentioned in Table 1; Provide support for the digitalization and conduct of training sessions for students and teachers in the use of Layers.
Country: Honduras
Partner: University of California at Davis
Description: Establish and execute a research scholarship program on topics related to the fruit and vegetable chain with undergraduate students from Zamorano and universities in Guatemala.
Country: Honduras
Partner: Kolping Work
Description: Strengthen and provide technical assistance for the establishment of dual-purpose banana, bean and chicken production to improve the FSN of OBRA KOLPING producing families in Honduras
Country: Honduras
Partner: Foundation for Participatory Research with Farmers of Honduras (Fipah)
Description: Validation of Common Bean Varieties and Local Genetic Seed Production.
Country: Honduras
Socio: BROTEK S.A. de C.V.
Description: Develop the biological evaluation of two bio stimulant/biocatalyst molecules I-369® and I-358®
Country: Honduras
National Diakonia of Honduras |
Description: Strengthen knowledge for agronomic technical management, management and use of technologies for production, integrated pest management, integrated crop management, marketing techniques, commercialization and post-harvest management to obtain quality and safe products for the end consumer
Country: Honduras
Partner: Renewal of the world
Description: Prepare technical material for agricultural promoters served by World Renew based on the proposal presented by ZAMORANO, which is an integral part of this letter of understanding.
País: Bolivia
Socio: BID
Description: Develop a comprehensive curriculum through video capsules to develop administrative skills and soft skills for the operation of businesses in the various sectors of agriculture
Country: Guatemala
Partner: Embajada Británica en Guatemala
Description: Organization of two workshops in Guatemala on the management of late blight in potatoes
Country: Mesoamerican Reef (MAR Region)
Partner: Smithsonian
Description: Execute disease surveillance project for the National Zoo's Center for Conservation Ecology and the Smithsonian's Conservation Biology Institute
Country: Pennsylvania State University
Partner: Pennsylvania State University
(a) Collaboration in the design and translation of a semi-structured questionnaire on gender-based violence.
(b) To train four research assistants in the correct application of the research instrument.
c) Realización de la recolección de 50 entrevistas semiestructuradas a mujeres del occidente de Honduras. Cabe señalar que todas las entrevistas serán grabadas digitalmente con el consentimiento de la participante.
d) Transcribe the 50 interviews into Spanish. e) Collaborate in the data analysis process and contribute to the drafting of the final report.
Country: Honduras
Partner: ACDI VOCA/Transforming Market System Activity (USAID)
Country: Honduras
Description: Strengthen the understanding of ecosystem dynamics and the importance of proper solid waste management among the population of Lake Yojoa
Country: Honduras
Partner: Unemployment benefit
Description: Develop a participatory process for the management of natural resources, especially water and biodiversity, in the Uchapa River micro-basin (Sabanetas, Uchapa and Pimienta streams)
Country: Honduras
Description: Implement the biannual operational plan of the El Uyuca Reserve
Country: Honduras
Partner: AECID
Strategic Partners