Zamorano receives visit from Widener University students and professors

During this visit, efforts to promote English language learning and cultural exchange were highlighted.

The experience was transformative for all participants, who had the opportunity to demonstrate the values of literacy, interdisciplinary collaboration, friendship and social responsibility through various activities organized by the General Curriculum Department in collaboration with the Zamorano events office.

These activities included a visit to an orphanage, where students interacted with children and learned about resilience and hope.

In addition, they visited a rural school in El Pedregal, near Zamorano, where they conducted English and health activities, while increasing their environmental awareness and promoting social responsibility.

They also participated in English activities with the children of the ABS school. In addition, they visited the El Jicarito Health Center to learn about the public health sector.

It is important to note that both the academic institutions and the health center received donations of teaching materials, books and health kits. One of the highlights of the Widener University visit was the interaction with first, second and third year Zamorano students, who participated in academic discussions, exchanged cultural knowledge and enjoyed recreational activities together.

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Estudiantes de la MaestrĂ­a en Agronegocios de Zamorano visitan HATSA, Honduras American Tabaco S.A.

Zamorano Agribusiness Master's Students Visit HATSA, Honduras American Tabaco S.A.

Danlí, Honduras – As part of their integrative course, the 2024 Agribusiness Master's cohort from Zamorano University recently visited HATSA, Honduras American Tabaco S.A., in Danlí, Honduras. The group, made up of 14 students from Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Colombia, and Ecuador, had the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of the tobacco production process, from cultivation to industrial processing.