Zamorano and SEDESOL sign commitment to provide scholarships for Honduran youth

Zamorano y SEDESOL firman carta de compromiso para otorgar becas a jóvenes hondureños/as

The Pan-American Agricultural School Zamorano and the Ministry of Development and Social Affairs (SEDESOL) have signed a commitment letter aimed at supporting young Hondurans with a passion for forestry, environmental, and agricultural sciences. Through this partnership, scholarships will be awarded under the Solidarity Scholarship Program for studies at Zamorano in the university's offered programs. A total investment of 47 million lempiras will fund the education of 145 students in 2025.

The signing ceremony was led by Dr. Ana Maier, Vice President and Academic Dean of Zamorano, and Mr. José Carlos Cardona, Minister of State at SEDESOL. During his speech, Mr. Cardona emphasized: "The state of Honduras has a commitment, and it is our duty to train professionals in agriculture. The greatest effort a government can make to move a country forward is to invest in education."

Dr. Maier also expressed her enthusiasm about the partnership, stating: "This joint commitment strengthens Zamorano's mission to train future leaders in key fields for the development of Honduras and the region. We are proud to collaborate with SEDESOL to continue providing high-quality educational opportunities to young people with great potential."

The event was attended by Herbert Gaekel, Vice President of Operations and Finance at Zamorano, along with directors and academic staff. From SEDESOL, Rider Cálix, Director of External Cooperation, and the scholarships and protocol teams were also present.

This program represents a significant investment in the future of Honduran youth, aligned with the commitment of both institutions to foster the development of highly skilled professionals in critical areas for the country’s growth.

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Feria de extracurriculares 2025

Extracurricular Fair 2025

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