Visit of the Honorable Ambassador of El Salvador to the Zamorano Campus

Jorge Alberto Umaña García, the Honorable Ambassador of the Republic of El Salvador in Honduras, recently visited the Zamorano campus. The purpose of his visit was to hold an executive meeting with Zamorano authorities to explore potential future collaboration opportunities.

During the meeting, various areas of cooperation were discussed, aimed at benefiting the education and development of Salvadoran students within the Zamorano community. Additionally, Ambassador Umaña García met with Salvadoran students, exchanging ideas and strengthening the ties between both countries.

As part of the visit, he was given a tour of the campus, allowing him to see firsthand the resources and programs Zamorano offers to its students.

Ambassador Umaña García's visit underscores El Salvador’s commitment to higher education in the region and its continued effort to build strategic partnerships that benefit young people across Central America.

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2025 Innovation and Technology Congress

The 2025 Innovation and Technology Congress officially kicked off with the participation of the university community and the public at large. Held at the Palacio Universitario de los Deportes of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH), the event spanned two days, aiming to create a collaborative space for discussion on the latest advancements and challenges in innovation, sustainability, artificial intelligence, and the future of society.

Celebrating World Water Day at Zamorano

On March 21st and 22nd, students from the Environmental Engineering and Development (IAD) program at Zamorano held several events to celebrate World Water Day.

Official Visit of UNALM to Zamorano

Dr. Américo Guevara Pérez, president of the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (UNALM) from Lima, Peru, along with MSc. Andrés Casas Díaz, Director of the Department of Horticulture at UNALM, recently visited the Zamorano campus to explore opportunities for institutional collaboration.