English Pronunciation Workshop

To strengthen the English language skills of the student body, English Pronunciation Workshop was held, developed by Master Diego Diaz, professor of English and linguist guest. This activity, aimed at first year students enrolled in the English Foundations program, allowed them to learn relevant information about specific sounds of the English language, understand the importance of the vocal and articulatory apparatus and its function when pronouncing words. 

The activity was organized in collaboration with the Directorate of General Curriculum and the Associate Dean of Students (DAE) with the active support of English teachers. The activity provided students with the opportunity to improve their speaking and listening skills, thus complementing the learning acquired in the English classes they receive in the program. 

During the event, students had the opportunity to understand the importance of identifying the different sounds, as well as the articulation of these sounds to stimulate a correct pronunciation of words. Through the discrimination and practice of sounds, the development of this activity seeks to motivate students to develop phonological awareness, improve the pronunciation of the sounds of the English language. At the same time, it promotes a more intelligible pronunciation which fosters effective communication. 

Activities such as these promote academic quality and the development of essential skills for effective communication in English as a global language. 

Feria de extracurriculares 2025

Extracurricular Fair 2025

Zamorano hosted a lively Extracurricular Fair 2025 last Wednesday evening, bringing together students from various fields of study to explore a wide range of clubs and activities beyond the classroom. The event, held on campus, created a dynamic and engaging atmosphere where students could learn about the many opportunities available to enrich their academic and personal experiences.

Zamorano y SEDESOL firman carta de compromiso para otorgar becas a jóvenes hondureños/as

Zamorano and SEDESOL sign commitment to provide scholarships for Honduran youth

The Pan-American Agricultural School Zamorano and the Ministry of Development and Social Affairs (SEDESOL) have signed a commitment letter aimed at supporting young Hondurans with a passion for forestry, environmental, and agricultural sciences. Through this partnership, scholarships will be awarded under the Solidarity Scholarship Program for studies at Zamorano in the university's offered programs. A total investment of 47 million lempiras will fund the education of 145 students in 2025.