Food Science and Technology

Our degree offers a comprehensive education that combines theory with practice, preparing our students to face current and future challenges in the food agribusiness with solidity and sustainable vision. 

The Food Science and Technology career aims to train highly trained professionals in the transformation of agricultural products, adding value and addressing the challenges of food systems. Our focus is to drive an emerging world that is more prosperous and secure in terms of food security, through sustainable agri-food and nutrition systems. 

Our educational methodology is based on the combination of practical work with solid foundations in science, technology and research of new technologies in sustainable food agribusiness. Integrating knowledge in basic sciences, agriculture, food technology and engineering, as well as industrial engineering, management and process administration, our training allows us to apply this knowledge in processing, human nutrition, marketing and value addition to food products, as well as in related managerial aspects. 

Our degree offers a comprehensive education that combines theory with practice, preparing our students to face current and future challenges in the food agribusiness with solidity and sustainable vision. 

Contact us

GĂ©nesis Bautista
cel: +504 9905-6181

Paola Andino
cel: +504 9910-8802

Learn about the admission process
